Motor Controller

Last Updated : 17/01/2024
Changhua City,Changhua County

Offer Details :

Model: PCB01 DC155V-DC310V We are a DC motor controller supplier, our products including motor speed controller, fan motor controller, vertical fan motor controller, oil pump motor controller, ceiling fan motor controller, etc. The specifications, size & capacity can be followed & manufactured according to customer's demand, in order to reduce the burden of cost and the inconvenience during the manufacturing at customer's site. The strategy of the company is to provide customer the products with good quality & reliable service.

Additional Information Provided By Seller :
Approx order value : Rs. 100
Required quantity : 100 piece
Offer type : Monthly

Know More About Seller :
Year of establishment : 1981
Years of membership with Qualtradeal since :
Number of employees : 100
Ownership type : Company
Buyer's business type : Manufacturer