Doublehead Fan BLDC Motor BLDC-SY7503

Last Updated : 17/01/2024
Changhua City,Changhua County

Offer Details :

Description: BLDC motor Phase: 12solt 8 pole Voltage: DC 155V /310V Frequency: 50/60HZ Out Power: 10~50 w Type of bearing: Ball bearing Protection: Thermal cutoffs or Automatic reset thermal protector Rotation: CW. or CCW. Speed: 1350RPM We are a BLDC fan motor manufacturer and supplier, our products including bathroom exhaust fan BLDC motor, double-head fan BLDC motor, standing fan BLDC motor, blower BLDC motor, ELCO fan motor, cleaner BLDC motor, etc.

Additional Information Provided By Seller :
Approx order value : Rs. 100
Required quantity : 100 piece
Offer type : Monthly

Know More About Seller :
Year of establishment : 1981
Years of membership with Qualtradeal since :
Number of employees : 100
Ownership type : Company
Buyer's business type : Manufacturer